Our Story
About us
Our story is a journey with blurred lines. I don’t know if Kasmira and I were born together, or if Kasmira was born from within Dimitra. I only know that we coexist – not always harmoniously – but we have become essential to each other. People often ask me if I would like a more normal life. Yes, I would, but it’s not my choice. I believe everything happens for a reason. So, we found ourselves here, struggling to survive in a world that hates the different.
Our Vision
We always dreamed of a utopia where people and situations would embody health. Healthy behaviors, healthy dreams, healthy human relationships. Such a thing may not exist. But we know that through art, we can raise concerns that might, even just a little, improve this world.
Our Mission
The goal was never something rigid. We didn’t start writing to achieve something specific. However, along the way, we realized that through art, you can fundamentally and deeply change people. You can open new horizons for them. You can make them breathe an air they never imagined existed until that moment.

What we do
We create thoughts and images, we breathe life into our vision. We express our inner world and seek people who want to share their own with us. Are you one of them? We are here to listen to you… to become a community.
Why we do it
Because we can’t do otherwise… Art is not a choice… it’s a necessity!